Guillaume Cousin
Le silence des particules
Hours and dates
- From 4 Nov 2020 to 7 Nov 2020 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Grand Manège
Guillaume Cousin
Guillaume Cousin describes himself as an "experimenter-constructor". Scenographer and lighting designer in the performing arts since the 2000s, he explores the writing of space and time. He is fascinated by the unconscious impact it has on us. His understanding of quantum physics triggers in him the need to produce works off stage. Through sculptures and immersive installations, Guillaume Cousin's works deal with the links between man and the imperceptible. He seeks the limits of what we call Reality and questions the position of man as supreme knower.

Le silence des particules
At a time when a paradigm shift is as necessary as it is illusory, it is fundamental to question our relationship to space and time. Thus, the understanding of our physical reality becomes an essential stake to write a future. We must confront our perceptions with the realities described by science. Etienne Klein defines the quantum revolution as a relational, conceptual and ontological revolution. For William, air, water, light and time are vectors that reveal an unconscious part of reality in the image of quantum particles: they compose everything, and are inscribed in our unconscious collective memory.
A Seconde Nature & ZINC production as part of the Chroniques production and distribution platform. Co-producers: Le Grand R Scène National de la Roche sur Yon, L'expérience Harmaat - Fabrice Lambert