Audrey Cluzel
Lumumba Robot - AfriKIKK
Hours and dates
- From 4 Nov 2021 to 7 Nov 2021 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Etablissement des Soeurs Notre-Dame
Andrey Cluzel
Journalist and founder of the association Dessins Sans Papiers, Audrey Cluzel grew up in Lubumbashi in the 1980s, lulled by TéléZaïre broadcasts and the songs of Kimbanguist churches. In 2017, she began filming Thérèse Izay Kirongozi, the Congolese engineer who is developing Congobots, giant 2.5-metre high robots equipped with solar panels and surveillance cameras. Could the future already be in the streets of Kinshasa? During her investigation, she discovers a generation of inventors and artists who use the figure of the robot to question our modernity and the "curse of resources" that undermines the country. Les Roboticiens, her documentary series project supported by TV5 Monde and a grant from SCAM, is looking for production.
Lumumba Robot
Heroes never die. With his 30-kilogram armour made from electronic waste and precious ores from the Congo, Precy Numbi is reviving a superhero of African independence. The Lumumba robot is alive and well, propelled by the young artist's energy, he walks the streets of Matonge and makes his speeches resound
in front of the statue of King Leopold II.
Filmed in Brussels, this mini-doc is a teaser for the second episode of "Roboticians" devoted to Precy Numbi, while waiting for the return of the Lumumba robot to Kinshasa.
This artist is part of the AFRIKIKK partnership between Belgium and Senegal (with KIKK Festival, Kër Thiossane and the curator Delphine Buysse) thanks to the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International - Bureau International de la Jeunesse & Africalia